Associate Professor
Research Areas
Pragmatics; Legal Linguistics; Legal Translation; Court Interpreting
09/1996-07/1999 Ph.D. in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS)
09/1993-07/1996 MA in Translation Studies, Sichuan University
09/1985-07/1989 BA in English Language and Literature, Xinjiang Normal University
07/2005 Received training in immigration law (no certificate)
09/2009 Received training in prison administration law (no certificate)
07/2011 Certificate of Completion of Forensic Linguistics Summer School 10th Edition (Advanced level), International Association of Forensic Linguists / Aston University
09/2015-02/2016 Certificate of Completion, Lancaster University, the UK
Professional Experience
Associate Professor Legal English Department (LED), School of English for International Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
07/2003 – 01/2004 Research Associate, Centre of Translation Studies, Dept. of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS), Hong Kong Polytechnic University [completed a research based legal translation book together with Dr. Kexing LI, an associate professor with the centre, focusing on the legal translation in HK (whose law is basically common law) and mainland China]
Graduate level:
Legal Translation Studies, Legal Texts and Their Translation, Legal Translation Workshop, Court Interpreting, Legal Translation Practice, Forensic Linguistics, History of Western Linguistics, Pragmatics, Stylistics, General Linguistics, etc.
Undergraduate level:
Written Translation Practice, Legal Translation Practice, Stylistics, Legal English, Business Translation Practice, Oral Interpreting, Applied English Writing, Thesis Writing, Advanced English Writing, English Reading etc.
Training Programs:
Legal Translation, 2008, the Coca-Cola Company (Shanghai);
Legal Translation, 2009, the Ford Motor Company (Shanghai);
Immigration Policing Training (6 sessions), 2006-2013, the Guangdong Provincial Police Department;
Prison Administration English Training, 2011, the Guangdong Provincial Prison Administration;
English for Law, 2009, local lawyers
Legal Translation, 2009-2013, various translation companies
An International Guide to Chinese Law (in English) (Co-authored with Chinese and western colleagues and lawyers), to be published in both Australia and China in 2016.
Trial by Media: overcorrection of the inadequacy of the right to free speech in contemporary China (Co-authored with Chen Kaiju). Critical Arts: 2011 (1): 46-58.
Legal Translation Practice and Criticism (Co-authored with Mr. Tony Hoolahan), to be published by Lexis-Lexis.
Pragmatic Enrichment in Legal Translation (Co-authored with Jiang Lingling). Journal of Foreign Languages Studies, 2008/1.
Core Course of English for Law (2nd Edition) (chief editor and co-author) (Books 1, 2 and 3), Beijing: University of Foreign Economy and Trade Press, 2007.
Business Translation (From Chinese to English) (Co-authored with Dr. Li Ming and Ms. Lu Hongmei). Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007.
Advances in Pragmatics (Co-edited and co-authored with Ran Yongping). Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007.
Pragmatics Principles in Legal Translation (Co-authored with Peng Hongbing). Journal of Northwest University for Nationalities, 2007/2.
Legal Texts and Legal Translation (Co-authored with Li Kexing), Beijing: China Translation Press, 2006.
A Review of Pragmatic Studies in China 1995-2004 (Co-authored with Wu Qiong), http://www.pragmaticschina.com
Core Course of English for Law (chief editor and co-author) (Books 1, 2, 3), Beijing: University of Foreign Economy and Trade Press, 2002-2004.
Contrastive Forensic Pragmatics (author), forthcoming
Applied Translation: Theories and Practice (chief editor), Hong Kong: International Education Press, 2003
Text Typology and Legal Texts, Journal of Foreign Languages, 2001/2.
A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary of Collocations (one of the subeditors and co-author), Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2002.
Pragmatic Translation: Application of Pragmatic Theories to Translation Practice, Journal of Foreign Languages, 2001/3.
Contemporary Pragmatics (contributed two chapters) (one of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Textbook Series for MA students of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics), Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press, forthcoming.
Chinese-English Dictionary of Collocations for Students (one of the subeditors and co-author), Guangzhou: South China University of Technology Press, 2001.
Random Notes on Translation (one of three editors and co-author), Hong Kong: World Chinese Press, 2001
Text Types and Legal Translation, in Random Notes on Translation, Hong Kong: World Chinese Press, 2001.
An Analysis of Speech Acts in Chinese Legislative Discourses, Journal of Foreign Languages, 2000/3
A Pragmatic Analysis of the English Translations of Social Language, Journal of Foreign Languages Teaching, 2000/3.
Markedness and UG in Chinese Children’s Acquisition of One-word and Negative Sentences, Journal of Foreign Languages, 1999/3.
Intention and Its Functions in Verbal Communication, Foreign Languages and Translation, 1998/4.
Inferencing Pragmatic Intention, Research into Foreign Languages, Beijing: Esperanto Press, 1998.
Communicative Approach to FLT and Its Application to College English Teaching, Research into Foreign Languages, Beijing: Esperanto Press, 1998.
Pragmatics and Acquisition of Language Use (contribution to Prof. HE Ziran’s monograph Pragmatics and Foreign Language Learning), Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 1997.
Taoism and Traditional Chinese Culture (co-translator and English proofreader), Taiwan: Zhonghua Daotong Press, 1996.
Court Interpreting: Its Characteristics, Process and Other Related Issues, paper presented at the Third National Polyglot Translation Studies Symposium of China, Guangzhou, Oct., 2002.
Discourse Markers in Legal Discourse, paper presented at the Second National Symposium on Relevance Theory, Guangzhou, Nov., 2001.
On the Reader-orientation of Chinese-English Dictionaries of Collocations, key-note speech at the National Symposium of Chinese-English Dictionary Studies, Dongguan, 2001.
On Mutual Manifestation and Mutual Knowledge, paper submitted to the Seventh Contemporary Linguistics Conference, Luoyang, 1998.
A Tentative Comparison of Relevance Theory and Reception Theory, paper presented at the First National Symposium on Relevance Theory, Guangzhou, 1997.
Member of the Standing Council of the Guangdong Investment and Law Society since November 2013
Member of the Standing Council of the China Forensic Linguists, 2007 - now
Member of the Standing Council of China Pragmatics Association, 2003 – now
Director of Polyglots Society of Guangdong Translators Association, 2008 - now
Member of the Council of the Guangdong Translators Association, 2008 - now;
Registered Translator of the Taoist Fung Ying Seen Koon, Hong Kong, 2006 – now;
Collaborated with Prof. HE Ziran as an Anonymous Reviewer for Journal of Pragmatics (1997-2004);
Expert Witness hired by the New Zealand Government’s Crown Law Office in an extradition case during the period between April and September 2013.